Why is breath therapy necessary?
Due to the rigors of life, over sitting and habitual breath holding (see blog here) our respiratory health tends to decline in our late 20s.
There are many scientific studies proving that blood pressure can be lowered and/or controlled through consistent breathing exercises.
People with respiratory illnesses tend to have lower immune function, which makes them more susceptible to catching viruses.
If you do catch a virus, breathwork can help you recover faster. Being sick tends to cause us to “hover” high up at the top of our inhalation, with very little exhalation. This shallow breathing results in a vicious loop of physical tension and and mental distress, known as “anxiety”. Employing a strong, diaphragmatic inhales and surrender exhales will help you cough out phlegm, balancing your ph and releasing physical and emotional tension.
Breathing exercises can help lower the inflammation caused by anxiety induced high cortisol levels.
Proper breathwork stimulates the vagus nerve, achieving a more parasympathetic rest, relax, renew, repair state.
How will breath therapy help me with COPD?
There are two roads to healthy lungs:
Strengthen the muscles that power them to fill and empty—such as the diaphragms (thoraci and pelvic, intercostals, and core/ab muscles. This is necessary because lungs don’t power themselves; we require breath therapy to keep them in peak condition.
Release the muscles that inhibit healthy breathing: the rectus abdominis, pecs, traps, neck and jaw groups. The rigors of life cause us to tighten our muscles inward into the areas where breathing takes place. Over time, our thorax can become cramped and immobile (see blogs here and here), causing poor breathing.
Try any of these, with singular focus.
1. Breathe more diaphragmatically, Less costally.
2. Mouth closed, breath through your nose.
3. Inhale through your nose, then gently keep trying to take in more air for six heartbeats, then let go with a whoosh, x4.
4. Surrender sigh your exhale through your mouth, then wait and drift more air out for six heartbeats, x4.
5. Slow down your breaths per minute.
6. Speed up you breaths per minute.
7. Inhale through your nose in short bursts (aim for 20 bursts) until you reach the top, whoosh your air out, x4.
8. Exhale through your nose in short bursts (aim for 20 bursts) until you reach the bottom, inhale diaphragmatically, x4.
8. Simply notice your breath for ten heartbeats, six times a day. 🙏