Wikipedia states: “Diaphragmatic breathing, or deep breathing, is breathing that is done by contracting the diaphragm, a muscle located horizontally between the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity. Air enters the lungs, the chest does not rise and the belly expands during this type of breathing”.
I don’t post this to imply I’m surprised that Wikipedia got something wrong. I post because this bit of misinformation continues to be prevalent in the yoga, voice and even respiratory therapy fields.
I know of a very famous singing teacher in British Columbia who had an extremely illustrious recording and performance career in the field of Baroque music - she is currently ruining voices left and right as she makes sure her voice students have completely immobile chests. As a result, her singers have no support, no air, no resonance, no spin, no legato, no vocal (or personal) power, and extreme tension throughout their upper bodies. It breaks my heart. 💔
Note to all - our lungs are in our chests!!! 🙄
When we are breathing in a healthy manner, the thoracic diaphragm descends upon inspiration. As a result of the diaphragm engaging downwards toward the pelvis, air is drawn into the lungs, the ribs flair laterally, the back expands and the chest rises. 💨💨💨 Enjoy your breathing, and have great day. 🙏
ohhh… Wikipedia, we love you so…